Friday, January 16, 2009

Color Of Change - Oscar Grant III Police Murder

Dear Friends,

On New Year's Eve, Oscar Grant was shot execution-style by transit police officer Johannes Mehserle in Oakland, California. He was shot in the back while lying face down on a subway platform, unarmed and restrained by other officers. Despite damning video evidence, it took nearly two weeks for the District Attorney to arrest Mehserle and charge him with murder. The DA admitted that it was only due to massive public pressure that he moved even at that pace, pressure that included more than 20,000 ColorOfChange members speaking up.

That's why it's so important for each of us to commit to staying involved. Johannes Mehserle's arrest is important, but it's only the first step. In cases like this, history has repeatedly shown that as soon as the public eye turns away the prospect of justice fades. We need you--and so does Oscar Grant's family. Making sure the prosecution does its job and pushing for much-needed reforms will require your voice. Are you in?

Click below-it takes just a moment:

In 14 years as Alameda County District Attorney, Tom Orloff had never before charged a police officer for an on-duty shooting. And when asked, several legal experts were unable to come up with any examples of officer-involved shootings becoming murder cases in California. But overwhelming public pressure made it impossible for Orloff to ignore Oscar Grant's murder. He said that "because of the intense public interest I think more resources were put into wrapping this up than would be put in in other situations." Orloff made it clear that because enough ordinary people spoke out, he poured investigative resources into this case that his record tells us he never would have otherwise. We've exposed a chink in the armor of a system that protects trigger-happy cops instead of regular folks.
Now there's a real opportunity to create systemic changes that would introduce transparency and accountability to police forces across California, and especially to the BART Police Department. We need to keep the pressure on Tom Orloff to make sure he keeps devoting time and energy to Mehserle's prosecution. Help honor the memory of Oscar Grant and others who have fallen victim to police violence. Please sign up to stay involved in pushing for justice in this case and for real accountability for police.

Join me:


Much love and respect y'all.

Monday, January 12, 2009

"sometimez i lie cheat steal.. smoke drink fuck.. disrespect misdirect.. knock ice cream out of young'nz handz.. help old ladiez cross the street &then ask for their numberz &,when they politely decline, tell em to remember their vitamin d in the mornin; deez nutz!............... God knowz my heart tho"

Written by: Mr. Burghardt
The Love of My Life

My boyfriend definitely does NOT have swag (and that's a compliment)....

....To live the life of a BlackNerd. *teehee*

Friday, January 2, 2009

Relax. Relate. Release.

I scribe seamless, soothing lullabies for you
And sing them softly until you drift into my world.
Then I wrap and drape you in sheer eloquence
Poetically paving paths to
Dedicating each syllable to you in tune with
The Key of Life...
The journey is made easy for you-
Rest assured.

Happy New Year's to all who read!! I am dedicating '09 to...ME. I am focusing on all my goals and desires and will make them happen for me in the next 364 days (this year is a leap). I will bring it back to writing...for a while I had lost the desire to write anything. Wallowing waist deep in self dout, I put my First Love on the back burner. I will also start drawing again... The freedom of creating my own world artistically is unparalled. Tired of the technical engineering humdrum way of things. Give me my FREE!!!

Ps...okay I'm on that bullshit bcz this definitely is NOT a leap year. Sku me ;p