Monday, April 20, 2009

The K'Naan Show Chronicles??

A few weeks ago, my cousins and I went to see K'Naan at Bourbon Street. His show kicked ass. The lovely ladies and I were like, right in front of the stage, we had the best standing-room-only-spots in the house!! Maya, Tiya and Mina were there when my little cousin Kia (we share the same name, nahmean??) got there, and unbeknownst to me, I had stationed myself in front of a little boy. When I turned and saw him there, his expression was that of 1,000 lost dreams, and I realized I was blocking his view of the stage. Being a mother, and an all around stand up gal, I switched places with Lil' Z, (who is about 5 inches and 200 lbs. lighter than I am), and his joy was instantly renewed. While standing and waiting for the show to start, the ladies struck up conversation with a group of teenaged white chicks from Annapolis, who were drunk and only 15. Well, the teens started talking to them first. None of them bothered to say anything to me, I guess my intolerance for bullshit was very apparent, as we had been standing there for about 2.5 hours before the show began.
About 15 minutes before the show, I hear my comrades begin to moan and complain about some miscellaneous crazy homeless woman, and before I see who they're talking about, I find myself being accosted and almost knocked down by a giant ass making it's way through the dense crowd to greet the ladies.
Dubbed, "The Crazy Muslim Lady," she planted herself right in front of the little boy I had blocked before. Now, I had moved for the boy, who only looked about 8 or 9 years old at the most, and she was arguing...or firm in her belief I should say, that she should not move out of his way. This kind of pissed me off, so after a brief discussion with Maya and Kia, we decided that Kia and I should switch places, putting me directly in front of The Crazy Muslim Lady, blocking her view of the stage.
"Excuse me," she shouted, shrouded in her various knit scarves and shit ( as seen in the first picture with the red on; we were in a crowded ass, hot room full of people mind you...there are thin cotton scarves, and linen scarves available but she had on some like...knit wintertime neck scarves to cover her self with.. what thee fuuck??!), "but you're in my personal space!"
"Excuse me," I retorted, "but my cousins and I were here first."
"I don't care if you WERE here first, You are in my space, and I will KNOCK YOU DOWN!!!!" The Crazy Muslim Lady threatened, pressing her hips up against mine. We were just about evenly matched in height and weight, so needless to say, I didn't budge.
"Really? Peace out..." *pointed to my peace sign scarf, and threw up the deuces..*
"There is NOTHING peaceful about you! You have your body pressed up against me, trying to push me... I am a Muslim Woman and my BODY IS SACRED!!" (LMMFAO)
"Wow, well pray for me then..."
"Are you Muslim? I pray that you did NOT come out of a Muslim Womb, because you are VERY NASTY!!!"
There was much more to the conversation, but I waited too long to blog about it, and I have the memory of an ostrich, lol. But there was enough happening to catch the attention of a security guard, who came over and attempted to smooth over the situation, which he did with minimal success, because The Crazy Muslim Lady was still salty about the whole ordeal even after the show was over (mission accomlished!! lol).
And then the show starts... yaaaaay!! K'Naan and his band KILLED the show, man. His songs were informative, deep, uplifting...crazy. But those damned silly little girls (who Kia noted, probably didn't even know what he was singing/raping about) were cheering and shit when the room would get quiet, which was also when K'Naan would be talking about death, child soldiers, and the general dire conditions in Somalia.. so much so that he had to indicate to the girls to shut thee fuck up. In addition to their ignorant cheering, they kept swinging their hair around, slapping me in the face with that bullshit. Soo.. I put my cold drink on one of their backs, and didn't have anymore problems with her... lol.
All in all, the show was kickass, and we had a great time. Afterwards, we went to XS and I had my sushi cherry popped, lol!! I ate that shit with chopsticks too, like a damn pro (thanks to the teachings of Mr. Zhang, my highschool Chinese Teacher... BPI, Stand Up!!!), although when I saw the bill..$37.89..uuugh for two sushi rolls and a mixed drink (what thee fuuck??!), my stomach kinda dropped, lol, but it was all good. I am the Prodigal Princess, after all, nahmean?
Tiya, Kia, Maya and Mina... we MUST do it again!!


Ziggy Za. said...

Sounds like you girls had a lot of fun, including the Crazy Muslim Lady antics. I've run into her before, too, God bless her.

So um, can I go next time?!

The Notorious Z.A.G. said...

Yesss absolutely!! We must hang out soon :oD

YBW said...

OMG I lurvs K'naan, and I'm sad that I missed him when he was at VU Friday night. I'm jealous well minus that whole crazy Muslimah thing. Did the baby end up getting to see the show?

The Notorious Z.A.G. said...

LOL, K'Naan is definitely worth catching live in concert. You know that feeling..the feeling you get when you see someone you have a crush on? His music made me feel like that. It struck something deep.
I kept asking the boy if he was aight... He told me yes everytime and his eyes saidn "thank you crazy lady for getting that other crazy lady outta my way!!" LOL!!

Somber Monster said...

HaaaHha! ...thatz fuckd-up

Shez My People; she used to be at the store at least once a week.... We would politic about how thoze belvedereSquare muhfuckas forget YorkRd iznt all nice.......