Monday, May 4, 2009


You know what really gets my goose? When my blog comments aren't approved on moderated blogs. I go back expecting to read my treasured and valuable opinion...only to have my thought demolished by the bloggod controlling whether or not my words will be seen by the world. My idea is then, gone forever with the simple, pompous click of a mouse *poof*. Am I really THAT opinionated that bloggods feel the need to dismiss my shit as brash and abrasive and not worthy for eyes other than their own? I'ownkno but that shit really gets my goose.
Say what you want on my blogspot; frankly I don't give a fuck and don't think I am worthy enough to say I disapprove of any of my readers' comments.


Somber Monster said...
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Somber Monster said...

BAGELZ! Naw, ForReal Yo:
I want a grilld brummel&Brown-butterd Bagel w/ smokedTurkey & CheddarCheeze, My Nigga!

....& I think that all of Your Thoughtz should be Seen/Heard