Thursday, February 5, 2009

Black History Month.

"Don't believe everything you think - You've been programmed." - Erykah Badu
They make it easy for us to forget that your
grandmother's great-grandmother was definitely...
without a shadow of a doubt a:
Beaten and abused, misused they want our history to remain a mystery to us
Get your minds lost in a sea of electronics and other bullshit
distract yourself with Dr. Martin Luther King's "dream"
forget about the fact that they BEAT YOUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER
Big Black Buck...was beaten
until his back split wide open..oozing..poured salt in the wounds.
made your great, great, great family eat slop from a trough.
like dirty. stinking. pigs.
One pair of shoes a year, my dear.
Your family was on lay-away. Separated from each other.
Sales. Violence. Rape. Torture.
Lost, no voices, no culture, no life.
Yes the Civil Rights Movement was all that..
but marching to nowhere in particular
didn't do much but get you a good seat on the bus.
Be upfront with yourself, fuck a upfront seat on the bus
When the Oscar Grants and Sean Bells cease to exist
When there is no more Jena 6
When American Citizens are referred to as Citizens and not.. refugees
in their own country
When Our Kids aren't arrested for sitting on stationary dirtbikes
When Niggas don't get strip searched (without reason) in broad daylight
Is when I'll relax and appreciate that bus seat.

Peace (?)


Ziggy Za. said...

My sentiments exactly.