Friday, February 13, 2009

Can't You See?!

Wanna know how I know I'm getting old?
People born in the years after I was born are grown and successful.
I had to ask what "smh" meant...smh.
My son is...7?! Wait, didn't I just have this child yesterday?
Eeep!! Still can't believe my oldest niece is driving. Driving!! I remember the day she was born.
Getting old(er) has its perks though. I don't get carded often. I can come and go as I please. I don't have to answer to anyone. I'm responsible. I'm actually looking forward to menopause. Most importantly I can serve as a mentor to the youth!! (stayinskool...)
But I have to make sure I get rid of those stray chin-hairs when I shower. And stress (my neck... My back... Myneckandmyack!!) is a bitch right about now. Decisions need to be made that no one can make for me. I don't understand today's music or fashion. I long for the good ol' days of baggy jeans, Wu-Tang, and Total.
I'm on the road to 30..getting closer every day. Four more years and counting. Wait... 30 is supposed to be the "new 20".. There's hope for this aging chick after all!! LOL