Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It's Not SpokenWord.

It’s not spoken word, and I take offense
when my work is referred to as: poetry
See, because My words...are my life.
Black ink on white paper rhythmically
transferred from word to thought
flipping in your mind like a fish caught
slipping swimming too close to the shore
my words are like water to you, fish...
so please, feel free to fill your gills with more

It’s not spoken word...it’s a metaphrase of
My existence that I’m willing to share with
Anyone who’ll listen...take in these verbal vitamins
Digest them, let them seep into your blood stream;
I guarantee my art will arterialize and make its way
To the principal parts of...you
My tangible thoughts promote healthy living;
The gift that keeps on giving...my eternity in ink
From me to you

It’s not spoken word...it’s a portion of my
blueprint, a part of me that makes me... me
and I feel that if I give you part of my soul
the least you can do is keep it label-free
untainted, unadulterated, fresh squeezed, concentrated
Brain Juice splattered on paper...
transferred from written, to spoken...to heard
these words are my life, and I beg you
when they make their home in your mind,
please...treat them right



"my words are like water to you, fish...
so please, feel free to fill your gills with more"