Friday, June 5, 2009


Jigaboo Gangsta

These are just a few of the names Black People are called, by non-Blacks "behind our backs." I found a website that describes the awful en-COON-ters they (non-Blacks) have had with unsuspecktn bug-ahhd shitskins. Yet... We aren't supposed to say Nigga/er. Because its a step back. Okay, nigga. I mean shitskin. I mean africoon. In the words of the late great Tupac...I'd rather be a NIGGA. But that's just me..
Oh, and if you didn't know...they also use "ghetto", "gangstA" and "urban" in place of nigger. Does it really make sense to focus on the use of one little ole word when there are countless others out there which are just as bad, if not worse? Shitskin? Really? Does it make sense to spend money funding a funeral and burial for "nigga/er"... When our children are suffering in low-income housing, fucked up schools, and living within a million other problems? When muhfuckas can still get away with the watered down version of nigger.. "The N-Word." I guess that makes calling me a poopskin to my face as opposed to a shitskin okay.
Nigga...get your mind right and think of a better, more productive way to spend your time and energy...rather than tell me that calling my brothaman/sistaguhl nigga is a step back. Boooooo!


Little Miss Knobody said...

You're absolutely right. There are other words that a person could use just as offensive and ignorant to call me a nigger without actually using that word. You make a good point when you say it makes no sense to spend money on a funeral for the word when our childern are suffering in low-income housing, fucked up schools, and living within a million other problems. Priorites! And personally, I don't think that word will ever go away.